Custom Metal Finishing © 2012

Type 2 (Mil-A-8625)

Type 2 Anodizing has outstanding abrasion and corrosion resistance. It lends its self readily to clear, black and a vast selection of colors. CMF offers the unique color selection that includes blending, fades and patterns. The colors will be light to dark depending on required thickness. CMF Type 2 Anodize process conforms to Mil-A-8625, ASTM, Military and Automotive Standards, as well as Customer Specifications and may be applied to a multitude of products. Type 2 anodizing provides an excellent base for primers, bonding agents and organic coatings.

CMF offers a bright dip process that enhances the shine or brilliance of a part.  At CMF customer requirements for close tolerances are meet, just as process variables are maintained. Given that anodized parts are electrically nonconductive, masking is offered using stop-off lacquers, plus assorted tapes and plugs for areas designated as "anodize-free" or "conductive" by the customer.